I've had a friend bug me to put some recent pictures of my kids up for her to see. Here you go, Emilie!

Here's Brennan at his 5th grade State Fair. We had fun learning about his state and trying to figure out what to put on his float. It was hard to make a clay mountain that looks like Mount Rushmore!

Here's Mandi and Kimmie at Author's Night. Mandi's 2nd grade teacher asked Mandi to submit a poem for a writing contest. Mandi's poem was printed in a book with all the winners' writings!

Kimmie loves the camera. She asks me all the time to take her picture just because. This is one such time. What a cutie!

Here are my twin rug rats. Ryan is on the left. Andrew is on the right. They keep me more than busy and always on my toes!

I had to put in this picture of Brennan and Jeff. This is Brennan's first real suit. He was so excited to become a deacon! (Check out how tall he is compared to Jeff.)
Wow...your kids are getting big...thanks for the update!
Yay-pictures! 'bout time ;)
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