01 August 2008

KP DVD Boxed Sets... Mission Possible

For some wild reason last night, I decided to start checking around Disney websites and Googling for Kim Possible DVD boxed sets again to see if there was any news about the possibility of Disney releasing any in the near future.

What I first discovered was a forum post at the beginning of this year talking about a release in Germany of Season One; including a YouTube link for a trailer talking about the DVD.

Doing further investigation turned up links on Amazon and Target (provided by Amazon) that talk list a USA version as a future item (if you click on the Amazon link, you can sign up for an e-mail notification when it becomes available.)

So get stoked, Kim Possible fans... hopefully the wait is almost over. I would prefer an entire series boxed sets; but I'll settle for invdividual seasons if that's what we get! Booya! It's bon-diggity...

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