22 February 2007


Gwen went to her first doctor appointment today since finding out we're pregnant.

This of course is to make it "official" since, while rare, the home tests can sometimes be inaccurate. Well, we not only found out we are for-sure pregnant; but we found out we've doubled our order! So my former post is now incorrectly titled... it should now read "And then there were five..." Here's to a full mini-van... :)

Needless to say, we're way excited and way nervous! Luckily we have a lot of family and friends who have been blessed with twins before us; so we'll be looking for advice from them all!

We thank our Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing and new adventure in our family and hope that we'll be up to the challenge.

We've been looking for a new home, knowing that with the new addition we'd need more room than we currently have. My eye has been drawn to somewhat large homes... and now I know why! :) The house hunt is a different story and I'll blog about that soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!!! Congratulations! I should change my comment to say I'm impressed you can handle FIVE as I can barely handle one! How exciting for all of you!
