01 January 2007

Happy New Year

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. So much that it has kept me from entering anything here. (Likely story...)

Quick recap of December:

  • Went through nice long two-week ordeal to get Comcast hooked up for my father so my parents could join today's world of digital information. It ended on a positive note thanks to a caring supervisor named Deann that helped me get things done. Brownie points for Comcast on this one for turning a negative into a positive.

  • Several Christmas parties, including one for the Jordan High Alumni Association that was "Cowboy" themed. I took advantage of my "Dead Cow" nickname and went as a "Cow Boy" - which induced many comments including a great title for a movie I'll never make... "Dead Cows Don't Moo." Don't look for it in a theater near you.

  • Two daughters' birthdays and an 11-year anniversary; celebrated with a trip to Chuck E Cheese with 9 of Mandi's close friends. Good times, good food, good luck fighting off the family cold caught from hundreds of children suffering winter's fate running around the Chuck E playground and arcade like chickens with their heads cut off. Happy Anniversary, honey. :)

  • Lunch with a close friend of mine from my Supercom days (when it was Supercom USA), Lee Allred. Man I miss that crew... good times! Let's lunch it again soon, Lee.

  • Lots of fun playing with JavaScript at work. Too bad I haven't had time to update that site either... I'm really pathetic.

  • My grandmother on my father's side, (the last of my living blood grandparents,) went "Home" for Christmas on December 23rd. I spent some special last hours with her before she passed and had a wonderful spiritual conversation with my Aunt Sue. Thanks for that the both of you. We never know the lives we touch for good and I'm grateful for the ones that touch mine. I'm happy Grandma can now be with her sweetheart and my dad's twin that died just 17 hours after birth. What a sweet reunion that must've been. Merry Christmas, Grandma.

  • Saw the "Work and the Glory III" - and after seeing the whole trilogy, I'm tempted to read the books... (as if I'll EVER find time for that... hehe!)

  • Honored a tradition we've been doing for several years where we have my nephew Nick stay at our place the night before Christmas Eve (this time we went for a two-day stint) and have a game-fest on both consoles and computers with he, Brennan and I. It was a good time and we look forward to that every year.

  • Had a wonderful Christmas with family close by - and the best part was some wonderful things our family was able to do to help some families less fortunate than we are. We've truly been blessed this year by our Heavenly Father and feel the true Spirit of Christmas when we have opportunities to "give back" a little. We thank the Lord for those opportunities and hope it made Christmas a little brighter for others.

  • Attended Grandma Litster's funeral just before the New Year and enjoyed the wonderful tribute paid to such a sweet woman.

  • Finally got some long needed mega-cleaning sweep action going on our house on New Year's Day

Which brings me to my resolutions for 2007... not a long list... really stuff I should've still been doing after my physical last spring.
I need to:

  • Get back into my exercise routine and good eating habits that took me from being in the high-risk zone for bad cholesterol; to being right in the middle of the ranges medical professionals want us to be in.

  • Finish my contact list for my Jordan Alumni website so the class representatives working on the Jordan High Centennial can have an easier time finding their classmates... and those having reunions from her on out can do the same; without having to go to that porn-ad infested website otherwise known as "Classmates" -- where there motto is... "We don't take away ads when you subscribe... we just give you access to the content you wouldn't otherwise have access to - IF you can find it buried under all our plethora of advertisments... good luck, you'll need it."

  • Oh yeah, one more... take #1 in the World on the Island C2 track in TrackMania United!

So happy new year! I hope I'm able to stick to these resolutions and I hope you'll take yours seriously so you can accomplish your goals as well.

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